Oz Chiropractic

Role: Product Designer


In 2010, I initially designed Oz Chiropractic’s website and branding. While discussing the site we found it needed to feel much like Dr. Osborn’s practice: personable, educational and welcoming.

Dr. Osborn needed a content management system that would allow her and her assistant, to update the site with ease.

Must haves included: practice hours, printable forms, news, events, what to expect in a visit, techniques, available payment options, contact information and Dr. Osborn’s credentials.

In 2024, we revisited the design of the site to include a more professional look that felt sporty, highlighted Dr. Oz and her office dog, Lulu. 

After 14 years of being in business, Dr. Oz’s logo and branding works well for the practice and we have been able to elevate the advertising and site based around this branding to showcase her experience, years in practice and her welcoming environment.


male, 19 Years Old, Lives in hutchinson, ks

ryan colson




College Student and Baseball Player


Ryan has a full scholarship playing baseball at the local Junior College. Chiropractic care gives Ryan a fuller range of motion and helps him stay healthy. He uses Oz Chiropractic’s site to quickly contact the practice when he needs to schedule an appointment.

Female, 26 Years Old, Lives in salina, ks

emily parker




Animal Shelter Owner


Emily was recommended Oz Chiropractic through a friend. Her young son gets ear infections often and chiropractic care has been known to reduce them. Emily uses Oz’s site to better understand what to expect from a visit and see what the practice looks like. 

Female, 40 Years Old, Lives in hutchinson, ks

michelle hoskin




Animal Shelter Owner


Michelle frequents Oz Chiropratic and uses the website to schedule her appointments.


Michelle Hoskin, task flow

Michelle Hoskin, an animal shelter owner in Hutchinson, KS, regularly visits Oz Chiropractic for back pain relief due to her physically demanding job. 

With a packed schedule, she values efficient and reliable appointment scheduling. On a typical Tuesday afternoon, she finds a brief window of free time and quickly grabs her laptop to book her next session.

Ryan colson, task flow

yan Colson, a 19-year-old baseball player on a full scholarship at a junior college in Hutchinson, KS, relies on chiropractic care for his health and range of motion. 

With a demanding schedule, he needs a quick way to book appointments. After a tough practice, feeling shoulder tightness, Ryan uses his phone to navigate to the Oz Chiropractic website while walking back to his dorm.


In the initial site design we were looking to make it easy to request an appointment, have forms in one spot, educate the user on what to expect in a visit, highlight Dr. Osborn's credentials and the office environment.

emily parker, task flow

Emily Parker, a 26-year-old stay-at-home mom in Salina, KS, has a young son who frequently suffers from ear infections. A friend recommended Oz Chiropractic, mentioning that chiropractic care can help reduce ear infections in children. Emily decided to explore their website to learn more and see if it might be a good fit for her son.

After putting her son down for a nap, Emily opens her laptop and navigates to the Oz Chiropractic website.


I grew up in Hutchinson, KS and Dr. Leslie Osborn grew up nearby. We have an understanding of the clients in the area and after she has been in business for 14 years and has received best of Hutchinson, KS awards we understand what has been working with her branding and website.

Working on the website re-design was a great way to elevate her brand and business and re-visit what people love about Dr. Oz. Someone really can, “Adjust Their Day,” if they make an appointment with Oz Chiropractic. 


The overall design for Oz Chiropractic is sporty, welcoming and professional.

Dr. Oz's logo and branding has worked since the initial design phase. We continue to develop the branding around her identity. 


Needs for the re-design

  • Highlight the newly remodeled office.
  • Highlight the office dog, Lulu, because she’s mentioned often in the reviews.
  • Remove the News section of the website, because they don’t use the blog. Highlight Facebook so patients know where to receive updates. 
  • Highlight the request an appointment section of the site.
  • Highlight that they do school physicals, this has been one of the best ways to receive new clients.
  •  Highlight Oz Chiropractic’s services: Chiropractic Care, Muscle Therapy, Spinal & Postural Screenings, and Sports Injury
  • List any awards and reviews to showcase years in business and the quality of the practice.

card sort

During the card sorting testing I found that there were starting to be issues with groupings. This was primarily with the “New Patient” tab. Further testing showed that the name change “Patients” was a better fit.


In the initial site design the site needed to feel much like Dr. Osborn’s practice: personable, educational, and welcoming.

After, 14 years in business, Dr. Oz has a keen awareness of who her clients are and she enjoys working with athletes in the area. In 2024 we leaned into a site that has a more professional look, felt sporty and highlighted Dr. Oz and her office dog, Lulu. 

ux testing

With a group of seven users asked to complete ten tasks it was quickly revealed that a majority of the main navigation is working fine. Problems again arose with the “Current Patient” tab after asking users for a new tab name suggestion, we found “Patients” was a better label.